Date : April 22 - 23, 2025
Delhi, India
The conference will be held over two days with paper presentation from national as well as international community of authors including presentation from keynote speakers. Prospective authors are invited to contribute original high quality research papers through conference website.
All submitted abstracts/full papers will be peer-reviewed and evaluated based on originality, research content, correctness, relevance to the topics, and readability. All registered authors will receive a presentation certificate for their accepted abstracts / full papers. The authors with accepted abstracts/ full papers are encouraged to submit their extended full-length paper (maximum 6-8 pages) for possible publication in journals that are peer-reviewed, indexed in Web of Science/ Scopus / Google Scholar / UGC Care List.. The paper submitted will go through peer-reviewed policies of Journals and the author will have to pay APC charges as per the Journal's policies..
Papers with a similarity score below 10% will undergo a double-blind review by the technical committee. Outcomes include:
Don't miss this opportunity to contribute to ICIDSSD-2025. Click below to start the submission process!