Entrepreneurship and skill programs are critical components of any country's economic progress. They make the best use of the factors of production to benefit society, generating jobs, innovating, raising living standards, developing backward areas, and so on, all of which contribute directly to better economic growth. Educated unemployment is the most worrying sort of unemployment today. India has a persistent unemployment problem. Instead of hunting for work, young individuals can try to start their businesses. In these circumstances, the vocational curriculum, skill development, and entrepreneurship development program take on a greater significance.
The Changing Environment
Furthermore, India's determination to achieve developed economy status in the coming years will entail more skilling, an entrepreneurial approach, and the establishment of a social enterprising culture in academic institutions to encourage more job-creators and self-employment rather than job-seekers, thereby making the country self-reliant. This calls for a shift in academic perspective toward entrepreneurship and the fulfillment of the country's vision, which necessitates the establishment of a distinct School in the Jamia Hamdard. The School of Skills and Vocational Studies with its ambits of Institute of Skills Studies and Centre for Vocational Studies follow the new National Education Policy, which focuses on hands-on training as well as the vocational structure for knowledge and skill development.
Mission, Goal, and Objectives
1. The mission of the School of Skills and Vocational Studies (SSVS) is to create environments where faculty, staff, and students can discover, critically examine, preserve, and transmit knowledge, wisdom, and values that will help ensure the skill requirements and value-added skills of current and future generations while improving the quality of life.
2. The goal of the SSVS is to enable all interested pupils an equal opportunity to access solid skills orientation at both the undergraduate and post-graduate levels.
3. The SSVS will be a trendsetter in how it stewards resources for the benefit of everybody in its geographic vicinity.
Be a global leader, an exemplar for integrating skills and value-added talents into teaching, research, operations, and public service.
1.To provide the skilled workforce required in the state, area, and internationally by offering occupational, technical, and professional courses and programs that prepare students for immediate employment and promotion.
2.To offer credit and non-credit courses and activities for personal enrichment, vocational upgrading, and career mobility.
3.To contribute to and stimulate the community's cultural and intellectual life by providing a forum for the exchange of ideas; providing leadership, knowledge, problem-solving skills, and general informational services; and providing opportunities for community members to develop their creativity and appreciate the creativity of others.
Approaches and Techniques:
This SSVS will be transformed into a dynamic hub that will provide all employment-related options for students. Under the auspices of this center, regular exchanges between academia and industry will be held to foster innovative thinking, incubate ideas, change mindsets, and boost the employability of students. Students' soft skills, such as communication, teamwork, leadership, and domain knowledge, will be given special attention. Aside from routinely arranging training and placement drives, partnerships will be formed with both public and private partners to provide vocational, skill, and entrepreneurial training to students to help them start their own Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises.
Value-Added Benefits:
a.Addressing the skill development needs of the existing University students through Choice Based Curriculum System /Electives and credit-transfer system
b.Providing executive assistance and coordination across the university and its associated campuses for the development, implementation, assessment, and improvement of vocational programs and services that promote skill development.
c.Assuring that SSVS and the University fulfill or surpass all state-wide objectives, targets, and goals related to skill development, as well as coordinating with state-wide skilling initiatives;
The SSVS is committed to diversity within and across the community which is fulfilled by:
a.Providing positive system-wide executive support in the development, implementation, and improvement of skills verticals, vocational programs and entrepreneurship development;
b.Encouraging the increased representation of vulnerable and economically weaker sections of the population to obtain necessary skills and/or value-added skills for income generation or better livelihoods;
c.Supporting full participation of those who cannot afford to learn the skills to sustain their livelihoods;
d.Creating policies for operations, education, research, and service, planning and administration, engagement, and cultural and community links at the system level.