The Department of Kulliyat deals with the undergraduate teaching of fundamental concepts of Unani Medicine. The department was established in 1989 since then it has been providing quality education to B.U.M.S. & Pre-Tib students. Kulliyat is an Arabic word which literally means “All”. In Unani Medicine all fundamental concepts and general principles about different states of human body including preservation of health and cure of the diseases are discussed under Kulliyat.
The Department of Kulliyat is involved with teaching and learning of four subjects (Kulliyat Umoor-e-Tabiya, Arabic and Mantiq wa Falsafa, Tareekhe-Tib & Communication skills at Undergraduate level and five subjects (Zoology,Botany, Physics, Chemistry & English) to Pre-Tib students.
To Impart quality education of Kulliyat-e-Tibb & Tareekhe Tib to Undergraduate students so they can understand the foundations and uniqueness of Unani Medicine and to give them confidence to become exceptional clinicians & researchers of Unani Medicine.
To promote the Unani system of Medicine through academic and research endeavors and to align it with contemporary health sciences without affecting its basic structures.