Date : April 22 - 23, 2025
Delhi, India
The name “Hamdard” implies “sympathy for all and sharing of pain”. The history of Jamia Hamdard can be traced back to a small Unani clinic in the year 1906 by Hakeem Hafiz Abdul Majeed, one of the well-known practitioners of Unani System of Medicine of his time. His illustrious son, Hakeem Abdul Hameed, carried forward the philosophy and objectives of Hamdard in independent India by setting up a number of research and educational institutions over the years. The year 1989 saw the fulfillment of his dreams when Jamia Hamdard was given the status of Deemed to be University by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. Jamia Hamdard was conceived as a seat of higher learning in Unani Medicine, Islamic Studies, Biosciences, Pharmacy, Nursing and other areas of knowledge.Jamia Hamdard is among top 25 universities of India and ranked 1st in the field of Pharmaceutical sciences. Over the years, Jamia Hamdard has expanded the disciplines of learning and emerged as an outstanding institution of higher learning with distinct and focused academic programmes including those in Information Technology, Computer Science, and Applications, Business Management, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, etc.
The department of Computer Science & Engineering in the school of Engineering Sciences and Technology started in 1997, and its has grown now into a vibrant centre of teaching and research. The Department not only offers Under Graduate (UG) and Post Graduate (PG) Programmes in Computer Science & Engineering/ Computer Application /IT/ ECE/ Data Science/ Cyber Forensics & Information Security, but is also engaged in high quality research activities leading to Ph. D degree in different thrust areas of computer science and engineering and intra disciplinary areas viz. Big Data, Soft Computing, IoT, Neural Networks, Artificial Intelligence, Fuzzy Logic, Software Engineering, Data Mining, Information Security, Cyber Laws, Cyber Forensics, Computer Architecture, Graph Theory, Computer Networks, Distributed System, Discrete Structure, Robotics, Machine Intelligence, Cognitive Radios, Mobile Computing, DBMS, Algorithms, etc. to list a few. Department has made a lot of contributions towards these areas in the form of publications in journals/conference-proceedings/books/sponsored research and collaboration with industrial research. The department has been recognized by Department of Science and Technology with a grant approved under the FIST scheme.
Digital India mission is successfully leading the transformation of India as a modern nation and also significantly helping the United Nations achieve its Sustainable Development Goals 2030. By bringing the academia and the industry together, this conference aims at contributing towards this mission of the Government of India to promote Information and Communication Technologies for the success of Digital India Program and have more Smart and Sustainable cities across the country. The conference focuses on developing strategic plans for balanced and inclusive growth of the economy through ICT in critical, emerging, and promising areas comprising of but not limited to
ICIDSSD '25 aims to pool expertise by bringing together researchers and developers from all fields of computing across the globe knitting together the unprecedented area of logical advancement The conference will provide an effective platform to the researchers from all over the world to show-case their original innovative research work. Our focus will be on developing strategic plans for balanced and inclusive growth of economy through ICT.
The conference will be held over two days with paper presentation from national as well as international community of authors including presentation from keynote speakers. Prospective authors are invited to contribute original high quality research papers through conference website.
All submitted abstracts/full papers will be peer-reviewed and evaluated based on originality, research content, correctness, relevance to the topics, and readability. All registered authors will receive a presentation certificate for their accepted abstracts / full papers. The authors with accepted abstracts/ full papers are encouraged to submit their extended full-length paper (maximum 6-8 pages) for possible publication in journals that are peer-reviewed, indexed in Web of Science/ Scopus / Google Scholar / UGC Care List.. The paper submitted will go through peer-reviewed policies of Journals and the author will have to pay APC charges as per the Journal's policies.
Proceeding of the conference will be published in Springer (Innovations in Sustainable Technologies and Computing) ISTC series (Approval in process).
Note: Your paper should be a maximum of 6-8 pages in length, excluding references, figures, and tables. Papers shorter than this may not be considered for publication. Additionally, your paper should fall within the scope of the ISTC book series. Please adhere to the following Springer template format for submissions intended for publication in the proceedings.
The following Journals have approved to be the publication partners of ICIDSSD '25 (For Extended Papers):
Many more Scopus, Web of Science, and UGC CARE journals will be added soon
The Rostrum of Absolute Researchers, Scholars and Students, Thriving for an Excellent Thought-Provoking Conference.